The School Council plays an important and valued role in the development of Jackson School.

All government schools in Victoria have a School Council. School Council is the governing body of the school and plays an important role in our community. School Council has four main responsibilities:

  1. Governance: establish the broad direction and vision for the school within the community. They oversee school buildings and grounds (facility hire, maintenance and improvements) as well as other contracts including: Out of School Hours Care (OSHC).
  2. Strategic Planning: contributes to the finalisation of the School Strategic Plan and development of the Annual Implementation Plan and reports annually (Annual report) to the school community.
  3. Finance:  monitors school revenue and expenditure and approves school budgets including for camps and excursions.
  4. Policy & Review: ratifies DE and school-level policy decisions (including child safe standards), participates in the school review pre-review evaluation and review panel.

The School has elected representation from staff, parents/carers and wider community. The School Council works in partnership with the school to deliver improved learning outcomes for our students and to support the staff to achieve this. It meets eight times a year to specifically address the following:

  • establishing the broad direction and vision of the school within the school’s community
  • participating in the development and monitoring of the school strategic plan
  • approving the annual budget and monitoring expenditure
  • developing, reviewing and updating school policies
  • raising funds for school-related purposes
  • maintaining the school’s grounds and facilities
  • entering into contracts (such as for cleaning or construction work)
  • reporting annually to the school community and to the DE
  • creating interest in the school in the wider community
  • listening to the views of the community

School Councils must include these positions:

  • President: parent member (non-Department employee) or community member who is chairperson of school council meetings
  • Executive Officer: The Principal

Other positions may include:

  • Vice president: parent member (non-Department employee) or community member.
  • Treasurer: elected from council members, preferably a parent member or community member. The business manager/bursar cannot hold this position. The treasurer may also be appointed as the convenor of the finance subcommittee.
  • Minute taker/secretary: the councillor undertaking this role records the actions and discussion in council meetings. It can be filled by any member of school council (other than a student member) or a non-council member. If this role is filled by a non-council member, this person is required to be a silent observer and has no voting rights.
  • Business Manager: school staff member (Department employee) responsible for managing school finances and human resources.

Our Current School Council Members and Office Bearers are:

  • President & Chair: Nerida Auld
  • Vice-President: Rod Tobin
  • Treasurer: Joseph Lawrence
  • Executive Officer: Anthony Jackson
  • Parent Members: Loretta Sultana, Alisha Spargo
  • Staff Member: Matthew Gravatt, Robyn Procak
  • Community Member: Nerida Auld
  • Student Members:

For more information on the role and functions of School Council, please visit: